The Stage Store

Gray Guitar Pic T-Shirt

Gray Guitar Pic T-Shirt


The Gray Guitar Pick Apparel T-shirt captures the musical vibes reminiscent of Lower Broadway's renowned stages. This stylish gray tee, embellished with a guitar pick design, is more than just clothing; it is a statement of musical talent. Made with the same fervor as a live performance, it is a must-have for all music lovers. Whether you are playing a melody or applauding a performance, this t-shirt embodies your passion for the guitar and Lower Broadway's magic. Wear it and shine in your unique style!

Gray Guitar Apparel T-shirt Material Description

Ideal for those who have a deep passion for music and relish live performances. Features a guitar emblem printed on the front & back.

- Guitar logo features on the front & back

- 90% cotton, 10% polyester

- Machine washable